Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Flirty, Not Dirty = FAIL

Went to sushi over the weekend. I hate sushi. I got chicken instead. Teriyaki chicken was good. Tried sake for the first time. Sake hot. Love it. It's my new favorite thing. Tastes good. Smooth going down. Strong. I highly reccomend it.

My yard looks like a serengetti. The grass is up to my knees. The weeds are 5 feet tall. It's dead. Not green. There's snakes hiding in there. Most likely. I don't know how to mow the lawn. Can't start the lawn mower. Can't manuever the lawn mower. This is becoming a problem. Somebody help me.

Planning a summer beach party. Should be good times. Maybe I'll get kiddie pools and fill them with water. Or Jello. Could do jello wrestling. I've always wanted to. Would make for a lively party. Feisty.

1 comment:

  1. new gas for the lawnmower. im tellin you.if you have not used the mower in forever ..it needs new gas.
